Storm Large

This isn’t one of my rock songs like I usually post on this page, but this is about an awesome woman rockstar (who also has an awesome name, might I add). She is super kind and talented and if I ever do decide I want to be a professional musician, she will be my inspiration. The first time I ever heard of her was when I was watching this old reality show called Rockstar: Supernova about a bunch of people auditioning to be the next lead singer for a band made up of Tommy Lee, Gilby Clark, and Jason Newstead. There was only a couple of kind and awesome people who took criticism well and were really good. One of them was Storm Large and I admired that even though everyone around her just wanted themselves to win and didn’t cheer everybody/anybody on, Storm would dance, sing along, and cheer them on. It was amazing!

So, after what I’ve told you, you now know how much I admire Storm Large. She was performing near my family and me, but the problem was, it was happening in a bar where I couldn’t go. My parents went through it and when they came back, they had a surprise. Storm Large was kind enough to do a video for me. It was amazing and you can imagine how excited and happy I was. This is just more proof of how kind and wonderful Storm Large is.

Unfortunately, I can’t share it with you here on Tess Talks because Squarespace doesn’t allow me to do so, but I just wanted to thank Storm Large for the video and tell the world about her because she is just an amazing woman that people should know and look up to.

Tess Eggeson